Sanitation Protocols:

Reducing the chance of disease transmission is of the highest concern here at Blink. We are taking an extremely detailed and thorough approach to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff. All rooms will be cleaned down with high alcohol base disinfectant in between each service. We will also be using disposable sheets to lay on that will be changed out after each client. As usual, new sanitized tools will be used for each client.

Social Distancing:

Here at Blink we provide services in private rooms. With this, there will never be more than you and your service provider in a room at one time. Upon checking out or browsing our retail area, we kindly ask you abide by the 6-foot social distancing rule.

Additional Guest/Children:

We will not be allowing friends and family in with clients unless the scheduled client is a minor or it is a medical necessity. If client is a minor or requires assistance, one person may enter with them. If you are waiting for a service to be completed, we ask you please wait in your vehicle.

By Appointment Only:

As required by the state, we will only be by appointment only. Walk ins will not be available at this time. If you are interested in purchasing products, we have curbside pickup available.

Gift cards

No refunds will be given for gift card purchases. Gift cards are treated as cash. We are not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards. Gift card must be presented for redemption. Balance cannot be used towards gratuity. Gift card balances can be checked at anytime during business hours with card number.

Health Survey:

 Before entering the studio, one will be required to answer a brief health survey. If you are feeling ill or sick you will not be permitted inside.

Before Entering the Shop:

Due to social distance guidelines our waiting room will be temporarily closed along with our coffee and tea station. We ask you please check in using our intercom system set up in the foyer and we will direct you where to wait as we prepare for your service.


All clients entering the studio must wear a face mask covering both mouth and nose and continue to be worn the entire time in the studio. This includes during each service.  The only exception to this is for clients with medical conditions or disabilities. If you require a face mask upon entering one will be provided to you.